Top Digital Marketing books you should read in 2019

Miss Malini

Given the dynamic nature, how digital marketing is changing so rapidly, To keep yourself updated on latest trends, you need to subscribe to some of the popular and relevant Digital Marketing Blogs.

But i still feel even reading books teaches you some basic principles, which are core to creating success in Digital Marketing.

I love books and I generally finish a couple of books in a year. I recommend the following books, because it has some great digital marketing tips, and an example of what you can get by following the advice.


Malini Agarwal
Author – Malini Agarwal aka MissMalini
First Book – To the Moon: How I Blogged My Way to Bollywood

Summary – MissMalini’s Journey to Mumbai, Her struggles, her success, radio days and  the rise of social media with some amazing Bollywood stories.








Author – Shaili Chopra

Second Book – The Big Connect: Politics in the Age of Social Media

Summary – Shaili Chopra needs no introduction, The book gives collection of socila media case studies on Election Campaigns by Political Parties in India.





Author – Venke Sharma / Hushidar Kharas

Third Book    – The Indestructible Brand: Crisis Management in the Age of Social Media

Summary –
This book shares with you best practices & effective tactics on how to address social media crisis. It presents you with number of examples and how brands can avoid the mistake completely.




Author – Ankit Lal

Fourth Book – India Social: How Social Media is Leading the Charge and Changing the Country

Summary – This book describes the real truth of social media in India. Its shares the impact of social media on politics, business, protest, activism, crowdsourcing and much more ..




Do let me know about books that you liked most, and if you wish then kindly suggest me any other digital marketing books which can be useful.

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