Social Media Marketing

At TechTry, We make Digital Marketing easy

Experienced Social Media Marketing Agency in Mumbai Online

In India, there are approximately 462.0 million active social media users as on January 2024, according to DataReportal. And this number has been steadily growing over the recent years. With an internet penetration rate of 52.4% in India which means over half of the population has access to the internet, setting the stage for a potential pool of future social media users.

Breakup of Social media User Base in India 2024


A social media marketing agency can help boost your brand’s visibility on various platforms, reaching a wider audience and increasing brand recognition.


We use sophisticated targeting tools to reach specific demographics, age group, behavior's ensuring our marketing efforts are seen by the right target audience.


When working with agencies like us, you can expect to receive detailed metrics and reports allowing you to monitor how performance of your campaigns are doing.


Social media offer a 2-way option for potential customers on social media platforms to ask questions and receive quick reply from brands. As a social media marketing agency we can help you efficiently manage and address these queries.


Our agency consistently shares valuable content that can portray your brand as a reliable expert in the field you are. This approach can enhance trust and credibility with your audience.


Social media platforms can drive visitors to your website ultimately leading to better customer experience.

When you hire Techtry, a social media marketing agency in mumbai, it’s an investment while tapping into the agency’s expertise, knowledge, skills, different set of tools and execute a successful social media strategy. As an agency we dedicate our time to stay updated on the latest trends happening globally and use our best practices to ensure your social media presence is being presented effectively. This allows you to compete online with any size or type of companies and achieve your marketing goals.

TechTry provides you with detailed reports and metrics to track the performance of all campaigns, allowing you to measure the success of your social media marketing as planned. We use analytics tools to track key performance metrics, providing businesses with measurable results and insights into the effectiveness of your social media campaigns. This data-driven approach allows and identify areas for improvement and fine-tune your marketing strategies for better results and aligns with your overall brand identity and ultimately increase your return on investment (ROI).

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Social Media Aabhi, Pechan Tabhi


Social Media Marketing FAQs

If you’re struggling to manage paid campaigns on social media yourself, or if you want to take your social media marketing to the next level, then an agency like us can be a valuable asset.

Once we are on board, it can free up your time to focus on your core business  while ensuring professional execution of your paid social media marketing strategy.

The cost an agency charges for social media marketing agency depending on the size and scope of your project. Agencies typically charge percentage on project budget , or by retainer.

As an agency, we  track key performance indicators (KPIs). This can include website traffic, engagement rates (likes, comments, shares), lead generation, brand mentions, and conversion rates.

We provide regular reports,  typically every fifteen days or monthly, depending on your agreed timing. These reports includes key metrics like campaign performance insights, and recommendations for improvement.

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